Thursday, June 25, 2009

The American Experience

Yesterday we decided to cross the border and experience all that America had to offer in relation to the Falls. 'Twas a great comparison for us as to how America and Canada differs.

Once we got parked and paid $10 to park for an entire day, we went to try and find our Adventure Passes. We went into the information center, where instead of giving us the info we were asking for, tried to sell us a package that was a good $20 more expensive than the pass we wanted. In the end, they never actually ever told us where we could buy them. We wandered around the store... where the novelty sort of wore off being on the American side and all. Everything was instantly more expensive. We wandered outside trying to find anyone else who worked there who could direct us. We found one lady and she just pointed us in a general direction to walk. We eventually find a smaller building, that is like a Welcome Center sort of thing. Once in there, the lady at the desk, then directs us to yet another area and desk. Once there, we actually get what we wanted to get a good 20 minutes ago. On our way out to start adventuring, we got stopped because of our shoes.... a young couple was amazed at our Five Fingers. We turn around, and now a group of 3 older individuals are asking us about them. =)

We decided to do Cave of the Winds first. As we walked over there, we decided to go off road. We found a little hiking trail that took us right down to the Niagara River.

We continued on, taking advantage of the numerous viewing sites they had of the Falls. It's a completely different perspective from the American side than the Canadian. The way they have it set up, you could touch the Falls, if you didn't heed their version of the warning sign:

There were some really good photo opportunities:

There was one place that we could see, just how awesome the Cave of the Winds tour was really going to be:

You literally get pounded by Niagara Falls itself. Holy Moly, how awesome! Much of what we did, I don't have pictures for, but will try and describe. We used a waterproof disposable camera to capture the insaneness of all of it. Cave of the Winds was absolutely amazing. You not only get to see the Falls up close and personal, but while walking along the walkway, get to walk right into the Falls! Dan and I had our picture taken standing right under that crazy flow of water getting beaten to a pulp. It was so cool! =) What's even better, is that you get soaked in the process even with the ponchos. They did offer free sandals to wear during the tour, but Dan and I kept to wearing our lovely go anywhere Five Fingers. =)

After that, we went to the Top of the Falls restaurant for lunch. Food was ok, nothing to write home about. Then we got on the trolley and took a tour around the entire Park. We learned about the rapids... that whitewater is generally categorized between 1 and 5 of severity. These rapids have been rated a 6. We also learned about all the daredevils and accidents that have happened here. I still find the boating accident story amazing. A 7 year old boy went over the falls in just a life preserver, after his family's boat stopped functioning. He lived. Holy Moly.

Next stop: the Discover Center and Aquarium. Discovery Center would be cool if you had kids. Soooo off to the Aquarium. It was a cute little aquarium!

After the Aquarium we got back on the trolley and went to the observation tower. We decided to go ahead and do the Maid of the Mist yesterday so we didn't have to worry about crossing the border again today. Oh man, what a good decision that was. There weren't many people on the boat like you usually see, so we had room to move about and get pictures. What a breathtaking experience! Being right in the middle of Horseshoe Falls... feeling the boat struggle against the current, feeling the mist soaking you... even though you again have your poncho on. It was such a great experience! I hope the pictures from the water camera come out ok. Then we went back up the observation tower to play with the video taking property of my camera and to also see if by any stroke of genius, we may be able to find someone who knows how to take a picture! We asked a gentleman who worked at the Park if he could take our picture with the Falls. As soon as we handed him the camera, we knew we picked a winner. Someone DOES know how to take a good picture! =)

After all of this, we headed back to the Welcome Center where we would get to sit for 40 minutes to watch their IMAX movie about Niagara. It was a great film... it went over the Myths, Legends and Daredevils of the Falls.

We completed pretty much everything that America has to offer in the way of the Falls. So, we headed back over to Canada... having to deal with border patrol again. Man... those people are intimidating. Once we were back, we relaxed for a little bit... and then went out for dinner. We ate at this place down by "Disney World" called Kelsey's. It was all open air, even though you're in a booth in the restaurant part. This was definitely an experience worth sharing. We ordered a sandwich, which came with a salad, and then a baked potato. He and I were going to share the whole thing. Our waiter, Kameron, was what waiters should be. I can't directly describe our interaction with him, but he was super friendly, attentive, and on top of things. The restaurant was really busy which caused our food to take a bit longer, to which he apologized thinking we would get mad or something. We assured him that it was fine. Then once our food did arrive, he had given us fries instead of the salad. Poor guy... he runs off to get the salad and gives the fries to us on him. When he brought the bill... while most waiters tell you they'll take it when we are ready... he just drops it off and scurries away. They also at this restaurant give you little candies rather than mints. Generally they give you the number based on how many people. Haha we open the bill, and there lies a mound of candies. =) Hence why he scurried away so quickly. We gave him a lovely tip, and a note of thanks for everything on the back of the bill.

After that, we got some ice cream and went and watched the light show again.

Today will be a slower day. We're going to do the IMAX in Canada at noon, and then wander around the shops and the Falls one last time. Later this afternoon, it's off to St. Catharines! I'll try to keep posting once we're there but I'm unsure of our internet access. But to sum Niagara Falls all up.... the American side has better attractions, but the Canada side has a much more pleasant, less stressful, and elaborate experience. I'm a big fan of Canada.

1 comment:

  1. DUDE! I am glad you two are having an amazing time. I greatly enjoyed your movie and love how mid movie Dan was like "what's over there" and walks away. Also, I am going to look into those shoes, they look pretty kick ass.
