Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Falls

After waking up ridiculously early yesterday, we got ready and headed downstairs. We had a light breakfast and talked to the hostel owner, Patrick, about what we should definitely see and do while we are here. We opted to stay in Canada for the day and do what there was to do on the Canada side. The hostel is a 5 minute walk from the Falls, so we started meandering around the town in that general direction. We encountered what is knows as "Disney World" on Cliffton Hill. There is basically what I like to think of a mix of Disney and LA squished into one. As we reached the bottom of the hill... we said "Oh! Hey!" we weren't expecting this...

The falls were directly in front of us!

We continued on, being completely overwhelmed with the grandeur of the falls.

As we wandered we encountered the place where you can buy passes to certain things. So we decided to check out what Canada had to offer. We opted to do the Journey behind the falls and the Fury of the Falls. We walked down the road along the falls where that building was. We were hungry so we got amazing food at this shop in the building that has all the touristy things. The reason I even mention this, is because we expected to pay and arm and a leg for food. We got 2 wraps, a bottle of water and a cookie... for $5 American. Dude... go someplace like that in America and buy that much food, and you're gonna pay a good $20 or more.... just because they can charge that much. We saved the receipt for proof. =)

We continued on to do the Fury of the Falls. That was a 4D experience thing where you have to wear a poncho because you'll get wet in the process. It went over how the Falls were formed since the last Ice Age. The 4D part of it wasn't as intense as we had expected, but was still decent. Then we did the Journey Behind the Falls. Again... poncho time. We were slightly disappointed at first... they take you down in tunnels and you can come out beside the falls.... like where the folks are standing in the 2nd photo above. We thought that was it, and were like, man that was lame. You can get just as close when standing on the walkway above. But then we discovered other tunnels to explore...

And BAM you get to for really be behind the falls! That's much more of what we had anticipated. It's incredible that 34 million gallons of water go over those falls every minute. Sheesh.

After that lovely experience, we wandered the town and shops for bit.

Now, as a sidebar... there are always crazy things happening around here apparently. They have all these signs:

Apparently, someone wanting to end their life, did not heed this sign back in March. The story is pretty darn amazing... here is the link for you to read all about it.

Now, before you read it I'll preface that they are pretty dry in the details. So read it first, then come back here and read what I have to say.

The guy jumps in the Falls wanting to commit suicide. He survives the initial jump, but had whacked his head and was bleeding. They try and rescue him, but he swims to the middle. Keep in mind that there are chunks of ice floating in the water too. The helicopter goes into the Falls to get him with a rope. The guy takes OFF the rope and swims away. The helicopter then turns the helicopter on its side, in the gorge... and blows the man to the shore where he is picked up by EMTs. All in all, the guy survived the entire ordeal. Wow.

The rest of the day we pretty much wandered around. We played mini golf. Not just ANY mini golf... we played Dino Mini Golf. =) We were very much impressed with that. The place was very well constructed and there was actually sand in the sand pits!!! Much fun was had by all.

We had supper at this place called the Spicy Olive. Great food, great service, great bill. =) We both had entrees, beverages, and a dessert for $26 American. Sweet. The rest of the evening we spent wandering down by the Falls waiting for the light show. During the light show we also went on a mission to have someone take our picture. That proved quite difficult... folks to not know how to take pictures... even the ones with serious looking cameras.

Today... We are heading to the American side, to experience all that they have to offer... except the Maid of the Mist. We're also going to do an IMAX movie about the Falls here in Canada tonight. We have an exciting plan for Friday... so stay tuned. In the meantime... off to America!


  1. Sounds like a real good trip so far! Love the light show. Hope you can find another person to take your picture today!!

  2. Excitement.

    I love those signs. At a "saloon" the other day, I saw a big green sign that said "Please pay your tab before you leave" and my first reaction was how many times do people have to not do that before they put a big neon green sign up about it.

    Yay Canadia!
